Absent from AnthroCon

In what is becoming a familiar refrain in these spaces, I must regretfully announce that Heliopause will not be present at AnthroCon 2022. This decision was not taken lightly, and my sympathies are with the staff and attendees as they navigate a challenging event in even more challenging times. For the long story behind this decision (and it is not entirely COVID related!) please see this post.

For now, my hope is to have some originals and LE prints in the art show, thanks to the generosity of a kind friend who has agreed to agent for me.

Thanks go out to everyone who has purchased from the online shop, bought my books (from wherever), and subscribed to me on Patreon. You make it possible for me to continue to create new and inspiring works of art and fiction even in the most difficult of times.

Watch this space for an exciting Professor Odd update coming soon!

All the best,
