Professor Odd Season Three – Kickstarter Update

In the immortal words of Elle Woods: “Congratulations guys… WE DID IT!”

We’ve successfully funded the Season Three campaign!

Professor Odd: The Complete Season Three will be published in electronic, paperback and hardback editions this year! Public release is scheduled for October, but Kickstarter backers who pledged for books should receive theirs a little earlier.

But wait—there’s more!

We’ve also surpassed two stretch goals, unlocking both the Kickstarter-exclusive bonus content e-booklet Odd, Annotated and the Season One audiobook!

The bonus e-booklet includes behind-the-scenes insights, notes, unused history and details, plus a Q&A with the characters. It will ONLY be available through the Kickstarter campaign, but it will be INCLUDED in every reward. As of this post we have a week to go, so there is still time to join the adventure, if you want!

The Complete Season One audiobook is just that: everything from Professor Odd: The Complete Season One (that’s episodes 1-6!) narrated by… ME! It’s going to be great, but you don’t have to read my word for it—you can listen to the raw recording of Episode 1 right here. It’s now available through the Kickstarter as its own reward tier, but it’s also included in all rewards for backers who pledge $20 or more!

The Season One audiobook has a public release date of April 2024, but it’ll be sent to backers just as soon as it’s ready. How soon that is depends on if we reach the third and ultimate stretch goal: commissioning original music to outro the audiobook! As of this post we are… *checks* … just $154 short. And with seven days to go, and a little help from our friends, we just might make it!

But whatever the outcome, this campaign has already been a huge success. Thank you to everyone who has helped make it so, now and forever, wherever you are!

I am heading to San Jose this week to visit my family, but I’ll still be working on the campaign, spreading the word—and of course working on the book! I hope you have a peaceful and restorative Memorial Day, and I will see you around the multiverse.


Professor Odd Season Three – Kickstarter Launch

Did you hear that? The Professor Odd Season Three Kickstarter is LIVE!

I said

The Professor Odd Season Three Kickstarter is LIVE!!!

I am so excited I can’t even tell you. But, I’ll try!

With this campaign we’re going for all three of the legible formats right out of the gate: electronic, paperback and hardback. There’s also a nice assortment of prints and artwork, some of which are available only through the campaign. I really feel like this project has pushed my illustrating ability to new levels, and I’m looking forward to sharing it with everybody. Finally, for new readers there are options to get the previous seasons, so there’s something for everyone.

And that’s just the beginning: hopefully we meet our funding goal of $600 USD with time to spare, and get a chance to push on to some really cool stretch goals. These are goals that are not an official part of the campaign—just extra things I’m able to do with the increased earnings. There’s the bonus e-booklet Odd, Annotated that has a whole bunch of cool behind-the-scenes facts and commentary for the entire series, and beyond that there’s the release of the Season One audiobook. And beyond that… who knows? We’ll jump through that portal when it opens.

Wherever this leads it’s sure to be spectacular, and I would love to have you along for the ride!