Introducing the CSA

You may already know that I (Goldeen) have programs on Patreon and Ko-Fi where people can subscribe for a modest monthly fee to get behind-the-scenes updates, work in progress pictures, free e-books, and all other sorts of perks. For a while I’ve toyed with the idea of creating my own in-house version, and this year I’m excited to launch just that!


What’s a CSA?

You may already have heard of a CSA—Community Supported Agriculture—but this CSA stands for Community Supported Artistry. But both are based on the same core principles: Art (like food) is an important part of the human experience—both the creation and the consumption of it. Artists (like farmers) benefit from investment by a community to work ethically, sustainably, and creatively. Community Supported Agriculture works by providing a direct link between farmers and communities, to the benefit of both. Community Supported Artistry is the same concept—but, art!

The Heliopause CSA program is a means for a community to come together to provide the financial support this artist needs to survive and thrive, and the audience her art needs to fully exist—because a book isn’t really real without a reader! In doing so we can foster an environment where my art can fulfill its ultimate purpose: to expand and enhance human culture and existence, free of intrusive advertising, industrial manipulation, pesticides and environmental degradation.

How does it work?

It’s like a vegetable box—for art and stories! When you buy a Heliopause CSA share you not only directly support the production of ad-free, soul-nourishing artwork, you get that stuff delivered right to your inbox! You can also think of it as investing in your own future happiness—because that is exactly what my art and stories aim to provide.

You can choose between a digital-only share (available world-wide) or an analog-only share (US only) or a combo of the two (again US only). Each type comes in two sizes: small or large. Digital Shares consist of weekly Behind-the-Scenes sketches, doodles, Work-In-Progress (WIP) posts, and a monthly eBook or audio story. Analog Shares consist of small art packs (small prints, cards, stickers, etc.), large prints and print books, delivered on a quarterly, semi-annual and annual basis. Read a detailed breakdown of the different shares and delivery details here!

How to Join 

Shares can be purchased by the year from the Online Store, or as a subscription by becoming a member on Ko-Fi or subscribing on Patreon. Note that Analog Shares can only be purchased directly from Heliopause, and currently are only available to residents of the US.

To convert from Ko-Fi/Patreon tiers to CSA shares, use this key:

Fellow Traveler/Retro Ally = Minor Digital Share

Valdellunian = Major Digital Share

Analog Shares not available through Ko-Fi or Patreon.

Not sure about it? Not a problem!

You can check out all the Digital Share posts from November 2022 right here. The password for Minor posts is quenched and for Major posts it is indigo. (Note that these posts do not include the monthly short story.) You can also see an example of Analog share items here.

For now, the best place the go for more information is the CSA page at, but if you still have any questions do not hesitate to shoot me an email.

Thanks for reading!