Although the Professor Odd series is most economically read in the Complete Season volumes, the singles are an especially fun way of collecting the individual stories. As there are 18 of them as of this writing, I thought it would be fun to highlight them all together. And, if you are finding this page after returning from World Fantasy 2023 and are looking to complete your collection, have at it!
Can’t get enough of Professor Odd? Want Goldeen to put these books out faster? Want to get your eyes on the story as soon as possible? Consider joining her CSA! CSA members get all the latest and greatest news, behind-the-scenes bonus features, and free e-books! Go check it out!
Beyond the bounds of the universe, in the formless, endless nowhere between worlds, there is a place that is somewhere. An anomaly of something in the nothing. It is part ship, part house, and it can create portals to almost anywhere. Its inhabitants call it the Oddity. A strange woman lives in the Oddity. Her name is Professor Odd, and she is a seasoned multiversal explorer. Her best friend also lives there. Her name is Elo, and she looks like a golden wolf—except she can stand on her hind legs and speak like a human. There is also Alister, a former university student who fled his home world when the sinister Canary Company marked him for elimination. And until recently there was Dave, the ten-armed, one-eyed, bright green tentacle monster with impressive knowledge of the multiverse. But in the fight for control of the Canary Company Dave vanished, leaving only an enigmatic message in psychoactive green slime. Now the Professor, Elo, and Alister, are on a mission to find their lost friend, but in an “almost infinite” multiverse filled with hidden variables, incorrigibly curious aliens, and surprisingly significant bees, nothing is for certain and everything is more than it first appears—even the one place they all thought they knew inside and out: the Oddity itself.
Jump into Professor Odd: The Complete Season Three for six new episodes of excitement, discovery, and wonder: 13 The Angels of Tyson 4 14 The City Under Ice 15 The Dreams of Doctor Morag 16 Flight of Xifoptero 17 Eyes in the Deep 18 The Last Voyage of the Odyssean Followed by the bonus short story “Kumallinién.”
Launch yourself into the third season of Professor Odd’s multiversal adventures as the crew of the Oddity continues to search for their missing (and mysterious) friend.
Meanwhile, in a world eerily resemblant of 1950s Earth, Joy Daily is just trying to keep the farm together when the appearance of a talking dog makes her question the reality of her own existance.
“The Angels of Tyson 4” is the premier of Season Three and the thirteenth episode in the otherworldly adventures of Professor Odd and her extraordinary friends.
The Oddity sends the Professor and company to New Europa City in their search for the elusive Dave, but instead they find themselves embroiled in a high stakes game of murder and mayhem, and a particularly pernicious JANET (Just Another Nosy Extraterrestrial) may just be the answer to all their questions . . . or the beginning of a whole new mystery.
“The City Under Ice” is the second episode of Season Three and the fourteenth overall in the multiversal adventures of Professor Odd and her unusual friends.
Doctor Morag is having strange dreams—which isn’t surprising, considering she is the senior software engineer of a revolutionary new program for providing mental health therapy to people while they sleep. But when her dreams start to change the universe, Morag finds herself waking up in progressively stranger and stranger worlds, until her only hope of finding her way back is through the enigmatic Professor Odd, and . . . bees?
“The Dreams of Doctor Morag” is the third episode of Season Three and the fifteenth overall in the otherworldly adventures of Professor Odd and her unexpected friends.
In a far-future universe, on a terraformed planet, where a race of sapient elephants are the caretakers of a newly extant genus of pterosaurs, Professor Odd and company must come to the aid of a lone elephant and a fledgling pterosaur as they attempt to escape a war. A war between the elephants and an imperialist race of humans who would enslave the elephants and drain their planet’s resources.
“Flight of Xifoptero” is the fourth episode of Season Three and the sixteenth overall in the otherworldly adventures of Professor Odd and her unapologetic friends.
When an incompatible universe meets an immutable force . . . the result is a great big mess!
For Lilac, a type of artificial human called a “print,” the mess is also an opportunity to escape her abusive captors. But with her newfound freedom comes responsibility for an alien creature whose simple presence poses a threat to the cohesion of her universe. A threat not even Professor Odd can handle—not without the help of some very intelligent wolves, an old monster truck, and some cats from Mars.
“Eyes in the Deep” is the fifth episode of Season Three and the seventeenth overall in the interplanetary adventures of Professor Odd and her incredible friends.
While exploring new elements of the Oddity, Professor Odd and friends discover an unprecedented visitor: another ship in the formless void between universes. But this ship is very much out of place, and on investigation they unravel a distressing narrative of slavery, rebellion, and inter-universal plague. While Professor Odd races to untangle the mystery of two cryogenically preserved murder victims, Alister uncovers hints that their long-lost friend Dave might be closer than they once thought, and Janet is forced to confront the true nature of her identity at last.
“The Last Voyage of the Odyssean” is the game-changing finale of Season Three making eighteen episodes of the world-hopping adventures of Professor Odd and her intergalactic friends.
Professor Odd: The Complete Season Three will be published in electronic, paperback and hardback editions this year! Public release is scheduled for October, but Kickstarter backers who pledged for books should receive theirs a little earlier.
But wait—there’s more!
We’ve also surpassed two stretch goals, unlocking both the Kickstarter-exclusive bonus content e-booklet Odd, Annotated and the Season One audiobook!
The bonus e-booklet includes behind-the-scenes insights, notes, unused history and details, plus a Q&A with the characters. It will ONLY be available through the Kickstarter campaign, but it will be INCLUDED in every reward. As of this post we have a week to go, so there is still time to join the adventure, if you want!
The Season One audiobook has a public release date of April 2024, but it’ll be sent to backers just as soon as it’s ready. How soon that is depends on if we reach the third and ultimate stretch goal: commissioning original music to outro the audiobook! As of this post we are… *checks* … just $154 short. And with seven days to go, and a little help from our friends, we just might make it!
But whatever the outcome, this campaign has already been a huge success. Thank you to everyone who has helped make it so, now and forever, wherever you are!
I am heading to San Jose this week to visit my family, but I’ll still be working on the campaign, spreading the word—and of course working on the book! I hope you have a peaceful and restorative Memorial Day, and I will see you around the multiverse.
I am so excited I can’t even tell you. But, I’ll try!
With this campaign we’re going for all three of the legible formats right out of the gate: electronic, paperback and hardback. There’s also a nice assortment of prints and artwork, some of which are available only through the campaign. I really feel like this project has pushed my illustrating ability to new levels, and I’m looking forward to sharing it with everybody. Finally, for new readers there are options to get the previous seasons, so there’s something for everyone.
And that’s just the beginning: hopefully we meet our funding goal of $600 USD with time to spare, and get a chance to push on to some really cool stretch goals. These are goals that are not an official part of the campaign—just extra things I’m able to do with the increased earnings. There’s the bonus e-booklet Odd, Annotated that has a whole bunch of cool behind-the-scenes facts and commentary for the entire series, and beyond that there’s the release of the Season Oneaudiobook. And beyond that… who knows? We’ll jump through that portal when it opens.
Wherever this leads it’s sure to be spectacular, and I would love to have you along for the ride!
Professor Odd is a woman with a tentacle-arm growing out of the base of her skull. She likes colorful wigs, fuzzy scarves, pizza, cake, and exploring alternate universes.
Elo is an anthropomorphic wolf who likes chicken soup, cheese, and following Professor Odd on her adventures.
Alister Bane was a student at university until he was kidnapped by the sinister Canary Company, and was subsequently rescued by Professor Odd.
No one really knows what Dave is, but everyone agrees he’s a good tentacle-monster-alien-thing to have on your side when events go haywire, as they are prone to do when, for example, you visit a temporally flexible universe on the verge of implosion, or a magical spaceship that has wandered into the midst of a war, or when the Canary Company finally catches up to you.
Welcome to the multiverse of Professor Odd, where the wildest possibilities are only the beginning of the adventure! The Complete Season Two collects episodes 7-12 of this high-flying science fiction series. It contains:
The Dogs of Canary Island
Star Walkers
The Thousand Songs
and Cerberus Retired (parts 1 and 2)
It also features exclusive illustrations and the bonus short story “The Rats of Alnitak.”
What with the lack of conventions this summer I’ve been able to focus on finalizing the Complete Season Two release for Professor Odd, and now I am hugely excited to announce that the Kickstarter is ready and will go live tomorrow, September 13th! The campaign will support the launch and promotion of Season Two, with any extra funds being put toward the release of Season Three. I am also offering some extra special rewards exclusive to the Kickstarter. If you’ve never read Professor Odd—even if you’ve never read a thing I’ve written—this is a great place to start, as you can get Season One as an eBook or paperback through the Kickstarter.
So check out the pre-launch page and follow along! I’ve had a lot of fun writing and illustrating these stories, and my goal is to share that fun with as many people as possible. Even pledging a dollar helps, and it’ll get you an inside look at the making of the book and the process of bringing it to publication. You can also help by spreading the word, and by “the word” I mean this link:
(That will redirect to the campaign once it goes live.)
The campaign will run until Sunday, October 4th, with the goal of having the rewards distributed in time for Christmas. I hope you’ll come along for the ride!
All Professor Odd wanted was show her friends a marvel of engineering: a train built to run through outer space between planets! Then the train is hijacked by pirates, and it’s up to her and Elo and Alister and Dave to save the day. But the marauders have a sinister connection to Professor Odd which could prove disastrous—especially for her friend and protegé, Alister Bane.
“Cerberus Retired” is the finale of Season 2 and the twelfth episode in the otherworldly adventures of Professor Odd and company: Elo the mutant wolf, Alister the misplaced university student, and Dave, the mysterious green tentacle creature.
Something is amiss at the Deep Bore Research Base in Antarctica, and though Lieutenant Hutter would dearly love to get back to brewing moonshine and wooing the surly Technician Spalecki, it quickly becomes clear that their remote and vulnerable installation has become the target of an alien invasion so deadly they need to put out a multiversal distress call. But when help arrives, it is a colorful woman with a frighteningly average assistant and a talking dog.
There is also something in a barrel called Dave.
“Davebot” is the eleventh episode in the fantastic adventures of Professor Odd and company: Elo the mutant wolf, Alister the misplaced university student, and most of all, Dave, the bright green tentacle creature.
From present-day England to far-future Africa to worlds teetering on the edge of existence, Professor Odd and her world-hopping ship, the Oddity, have traveled the multiverse.
She and her friends—the erstwhile university student, Alister Bane, the super-intelligent mutant wolf, Elo, and the bright green tentacle monster whose name is unpronounceable but allows himself to be called Dave—find themselves rescuing magicians and deprogramming supercomputers, fighting killer robots and befriending dinosaurs.
But the greatest mystery is the identity of the Professor herself. And to learn that secret, the crew must travel to the universe where it all began: Professor Odd’s own home.
Beyond your wildest dreams is only the beginning in this, the first complete season of Professor Odd, featuring episodes 1 through 6 of the all-out science fiction adventure series:
The False Student
The Slowly Dying Planet
The Promethean Predicament
The Elder Machine
The Dragons of Geda
and The Monster’s Daughter (parts 1 and 2)
Now with all-new illustrations, and the bonus short story “Amar and Desta’s Big Day Out.”