Mission Report for October 2013

As I write things are flying over here at the HpP mothership. The print edition for Apsis Fiction 1.1 just went live over at Create Space (as did the print version of the first Professor Odd single). Both titles should be available through Amazon in the next week, while Apsis Fiction should be available to order through your local bookstore in the coming months.

In other news, Book 2 of Year of the God-Fox is now live! You can read it online by going to the site and signing up/signing in. Readers who have already bought the complete series or who purchase Book 2 will be able to read all the chapters at once! No need to wait for a new one each week. There will still be weekly preview pages posted, however, along with Production Notes every Monday over on the comic’s official Tumblr.

Moving forward, you can look forward to:

  • Print edition of Bouragner Felpz: A Study of Magic
  • Print edition of Professor Odd #2
  • The print and digital release of Professor Odd #3
  • Coming in December, Apsis Fiction 1.2, featuring all-new Professor OddBouragner Felpz, and Driving Arcana stories!

If you have any questions or suggestions you are welcome to write to us at


You can also follow us on twitter @HeliopausePro.

See you around the universe!